Wednesday, December 31, 2008


December was a wild and crazy month for Mom and I. It started out with a nice Diaper shower hosted by my Aunt Amanda, and mom's two friends Robin and April. I got LOTS of diapers and some other cool things too. I'm really lucky to have so many people that love me!
Mom had to go back to work and give her two weeks notice at Frisco ISD. While she worked, I got to stay with Alisha all day. Mom was really glad to have Alisha there to watch after me while she worked...THANKS Ms. Alisha. I love you!
After our two weeks in Texas, we came home and celebrated Christmas like 15 times! That Santa guy is a pretty cool dude. We spent Christmas Eve at Nano Jo's house, Christmas Day at Papa Mitch's house and then went to Kansas for a week to celebrate with all my aunt's, uncle's and cousins on the Moden and Oakleaf side. Mommy's having a hard time finding a place to put all my presents in my room.
I turned two months old on December 26th but I don't go for my two month checkup for another week or so. I'll bet that I've moved out of the 5th percentile on height.....

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Lincoln at One Month

Lincoln had his one month doctor visit on November 25th. He weighed 8.03 pounds and was 20 1/2 inches long. He's in the 5th percentile for height, but we expect that he will jump up to the 90th percentile before too long. We can definitely see him changing. He's finally outgrowing some of his preemie clothes. Dr. Daley said that his heart murmur was nothing to worry about and didn't recommend seeing a cardiologist. This of course made Darin and I very happy! We will be back to visit Dr. Daley in January for the two month check up.

We had Thanksgiving dinner in our new home with my family. On Friday we went to Kansas to be with Darin's grandmother and all the extended family. During the 8 hour get together on Saturday, Lincoln was held the entire time! He is very loved!

Christmas is just around the to go decorate!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Moving Day has finally arrived...

There were times I thought this day would never come...Moving Day! The boxes have all been packed and are ready to be loaded onto the 18 wheeler sitting in front of our house. Darin and I are so excited and ready to be settled into our new house in Tulsa. However, there are lots of great things about The Colony that we will miss, most importantly the great friends we've made here. And we know we will be back to visit. I personally will be back in December for two weeks to finish out my obligations at work.

Our little Lincoln is finally growing on us! It was slow at first, but at Tuesday's 2 week well visit, he weighed in at 6.05 pounds. Our goal was to be at least back up to birth weight. The pediatrician heard a little murmur while listening to his heartbeat, so she sent us back to Presby Plano for a Chest X Ray and EKG on our little man. Poor guy....he wasn't a big fan of being prodded on. Thank goodness he won't remember that event. The doctor called today and said everything looked fine on the test results but that we should follow up with a cardiologist in Tulsa. We'll be in a hurry to find a pediatrician in Tulsa for his one month check up and get his/her opinion on the heart murmur.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I have survived

After 30 straight days in the hospital, I was finally realsed to go home with a beautiful baby boy on Halloween! Although he is worth every minute in the is SO GOOD to be home. Our very sweet neighbors, Bailey and Alexis, made a beautiful sign to welcome Lincoln home. He is so loved already!

We are slowly getting into a routine of feeding, sleeping and diaper changing....all of which will be thrown for a loop next week when we make the big move to Tulsa! We can't wait to get settled in our Tulsa home and put together a nursery for Lincoln.

If you are in the Tulsa area, we hope you will come and visit!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Lincoln Mitchell Moden

Our baby boy has arrived! We are so excited that Lincoln has made his entrance into this world and that he is safe and healthy. We were so thrilled that there was no need for him to go to the NICU. He arrived at 4:05 am on Sunday, October 26th. He is 5 lbs and 11 oz and 18.5 inches long. We are very proud parents and can't wait to all go home.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Blood Pressure...Not a Fluke

It turns out that my elevated blood pressure was not just a fluke. The following visit resulted in an overnight stay at Centennial Hospital where they monitored my blood pressure every 15 minutes and later on in the night, every four hours. They also did a 24 hour urine collection to test for protein in the urine. After 24 hours I was released from the hospital and sent home on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy. I was told to monitor my blood pressure 4 times a day and if the top number got to 150 or the bottom number got to 100, call the doctor. Otherwise I would be seeing the doctor twice a week until I deliver. I went back to the Dr. on Monday and they did a non stress test on the baby (listened to his heartbeat and monitored any contractions). My blood pressure was still a little high, but not in a danger zone.

Three days later....I went back to the doctor on Thursday. My blood pressure reading was 158/96!!!! I knew I was headed back to the hospital. Unfortunately, this trip to the hospital was going to be an EXTENDED stay. My doctor said I would be staying until I deliver, which could be as long as 5 weeks. I was crushed. The thought of being on bed rest was bad enough, let alone being a prisoner in a hospital for the remainder of my pregnancy. Not exactly how I'd dreamed of finishing out my pregnancy.

So, here I am....10 days into my indefinite stay. Good news is that my blood pressure has stayed out of the danger zone. A 160 on top or 110 on the bottom will result in induction or a c-section. And the baby looks good on the twice a day monitoring and once a week sonograms. Each day we can keep Lincoln inside increases our chances of taking him home with us from the hospital. Bad news is that I might need some medication for my sanity before too long!!!

In the meantime....we accepted an offer on our house! Darin will be spending a little time the next few weeks in Tulsa looking for a place to live. Never a dull moment around here!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Baby Shower at Tahlequah UMM

The Tahlequah United Methodist Church hosted a baby shower for Darin and I....a shower we weren't able to go to. My mom and Connie did the honors of opening the gifts at the shower. Lloyd and Connie then brought all the gifts down to Dallas and to my hospital room for Darin and I to open them. It was the highlight of my week! I feel so blessed to have had so many showers. There are lots of prayers going up for this little guy, and we are so thankful.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Baby Shower with Dallas Friends

I almost didn't make this shower! Due to a 24 hour hospital visit we had to move the time of the shower back a bit, but I made it after all.

Thanks Alisha for all the great food and the wonderful decorations that you made. It was a very special day.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Baby Shower with Tyler Friends

My sweet friends in Tyler had a baby shower for me on September 21st. It was a great day with good food and great friends. It was nice to catch up with some of the friends I hadn't seen in a while. Thanks Rebekah and Jennifer for hosting such a wonderful day!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Baby Shower!

My co-workers hosted a very nice baby shower for me at the home of my supervisor, JoAnn Tinney. The cake was adorable and matched the invitations.

Another Date with the Doc

Istarted my two week visits with the doctor on Friday, September 12th. My blood pressure was a little elevated and that combined with a headache I had eariler that morning raised a little bit of concern. She asked me to come back next week and let the nurse take my blood pressure again. It could just be a fluke or it could be the sign of preclamsia, which would probably result in bedrest. Of course I'm hoping it was just a fluke!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Survived Europe

With approval from both Doctors, we made the trip to Europe and survived with out any problems. We had a great time and saw lots of wonderful places, Venice, Vienna, Dublin. We crammed quite a bit into our 10 days overseas. Cody and Alisha were great travel partners....and we're still speaking to each other!

We've had one doctor visit since we returned and everything continues to look good. At the next visit we will have another ultrasound to check on the position of the placenta and I will have to take that lovely glucose test.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Growing Belly

April 30, 2008

May 30, 2008

June 30, 2008

July 30, 2008

August 30, 2008

September 30, 2008

Sunday, July 13, 2008

To Go or Not To Go

On Wednesday (7.9.08) we went to see Dr. Albert to check on the placenta previa condition. We were really concerned that he would tell us that I shouldn't go to Europe (we are scheduled to leave on July 20th). Thankfully, he said there is no reason I can't travel, but that I should take it easy as much as possible. No carrying luggage, limit the walking and use a wheelchair whenever possible. On Thursday (7.10.08) Dr. Petrovski confirmed everything he said.....go, but don't over do it. Lucky Darin has his work cut out for him! Carrying luggage for two should be good practice for carrying around a baby.

Moving Back...

6.21.08 For the past month Darin has been interviewing for a Commercial Specialist position in Oklahoma. We were very excited when we received the phone call today offering him the job. It's always stressful to make such a big change, but career wise it will be beneficial and being closer to family with a baby on the way will be a huge blessing.

There are a lot of great things about Dallas we are going to miss, especially the great neighbors we have. They aren't the average neighbor that you borrow a cup of sugar from every now and then (partially because they don't eat sugar!). They are the kind of neighbors you spend 10 days with in Europe, or you spend a weekend with in an RV, or you just sit in your driveway and drink margaritas while the kids play in the street (don't worry, it's a cul-de-sac.....there's no traffic). Cody, Alisha, Bailey and Alexis: You guys are awesome and we love you, we sure are going to miss you!

It's a Boy!

On Friday (6.13.08) Darin, Connie, mom and I all made the trip to the Dr.'s office to find out if we're team pink or team blue (we were pretty sure we already knew). There was no doubt on the ultrasound, we are definitely Team BLUE! We had already decided on a name for a boy: Lincoln Mitchell Moden. Darin picked out Lincoln and Mitchell is my maiden name. Now it's time to start getting a nursery ready.

Eariler this week I had some minor complications which Dr. Petrovski diagnosed as Placenta Previa. She told me to schedule a Level II ultrasound with the High Risk doctor, Dr. Albert. She said that this usually corrects itself but that we will need to monitor it to assure there will be no complications during delivery.

Big News

We're pregnant! It was the Saturday before spring break, we were both outside doing some work in the yard. In the middle of planting flowers, nature called. When I got in the bathroom, I randomly decided to take a pregnancy test. I almost didn't believe it when it came back positive! I immediately ran outside and told Darin he had to come in to see the stick for himself! This was a little project we had been working on, so we were both very excited. I just thought for sure that I would be one of the lucky ones that was sick from the moment I found out.

I was able to get an appointment the following Wednesday. Dr. Petrovski confirmed that indeed I was about 5 weeks along. Four weeks later we had our first ultrasound and saw the little peanut had made it's little home in my womb. Our due date is November 21st, just in time for Thanksgiving. We sent all of our parents flowers with poems on the card to make the announcement. It was a very fun day! Although 9 weeks into a pregnancy is very early, it seems like an eternity when you're keeping such a big secret!

About Me

Wife to Darin and Mommy to Lincoln. I am a stay at home mom and I am so thankful. Everyday is a new adventure-live it to the fullest!