Wednesday, March 4, 2009

February 2009

Wow! February came and went really fast! Let's see what did I do this Far Mor and Far Far(that's my dad's parents) were in Hawaii for nearly the entire month so we got to keep Tiger, their dog. I really liked to watch him and he seemed to like me too. My cousins Riley and Ty came to play a few times, one day we all went to the park but mom's camera died so she didn't get to take any pictures while we were there. I pretty much slept the whole time we were there anyway. But Riley and Ty REALLY had fun. We had a Valentine's dinner with My Aunt Amanda, Uncle Jason and Nana and Papa Mitch. My Nana got me this really big stuffed bear for Valentine's's bigger than me!

Mom saysMarch is going to be a fun and exciting month. Some friends from Texas are coming to visit and we are going camping too. I can't wait for Spring and the warmer weather to get here...I'm ready to start playing outside.


About Me

Wife to Darin and Mommy to Lincoln. I am a stay at home mom and I am so thankful. Everyday is a new adventure-live it to the fullest!