Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Lincoln!

Dear Lincoln-
Having you as a part of our life for the past year has been nothing but FUN, FUN, FUN! You make us smile and laugh everyday. I had so much fun planning your first birthday party. It was a huge blowout! There were nearly 50 people that came to help you celebrate. It was a very special day! Thanks for being such as sweet little boy. We love you!

We Love October...

October was very busy and very exciting! I had my first haircut (some might say it was long overdue). We went to visit the Pumpkin Patch in Tahlequah with my cousins Riley and Ty and Nana and I picked out a pumpkin that was just my size. And, we went to the OSU homecoming festivities. But the most exciting thing about BIRTHDAY!!

About Me

Wife to Darin and Mommy to Lincoln. I am a stay at home mom and I am so thankful. Everyday is a new adventure-live it to the fullest!