Sunday, July 13, 2008

To Go or Not To Go

On Wednesday (7.9.08) we went to see Dr. Albert to check on the placenta previa condition. We were really concerned that he would tell us that I shouldn't go to Europe (we are scheduled to leave on July 20th). Thankfully, he said there is no reason I can't travel, but that I should take it easy as much as possible. No carrying luggage, limit the walking and use a wheelchair whenever possible. On Thursday (7.10.08) Dr. Petrovski confirmed everything he said.....go, but don't over do it. Lucky Darin has his work cut out for him! Carrying luggage for two should be good practice for carrying around a baby.

Moving Back...

6.21.08 For the past month Darin has been interviewing for a Commercial Specialist position in Oklahoma. We were very excited when we received the phone call today offering him the job. It's always stressful to make such a big change, but career wise it will be beneficial and being closer to family with a baby on the way will be a huge blessing.

There are a lot of great things about Dallas we are going to miss, especially the great neighbors we have. They aren't the average neighbor that you borrow a cup of sugar from every now and then (partially because they don't eat sugar!). They are the kind of neighbors you spend 10 days with in Europe, or you spend a weekend with in an RV, or you just sit in your driveway and drink margaritas while the kids play in the street (don't worry, it's a cul-de-sac.....there's no traffic). Cody, Alisha, Bailey and Alexis: You guys are awesome and we love you, we sure are going to miss you!

It's a Boy!

On Friday (6.13.08) Darin, Connie, mom and I all made the trip to the Dr.'s office to find out if we're team pink or team blue (we were pretty sure we already knew). There was no doubt on the ultrasound, we are definitely Team BLUE! We had already decided on a name for a boy: Lincoln Mitchell Moden. Darin picked out Lincoln and Mitchell is my maiden name. Now it's time to start getting a nursery ready.

Eariler this week I had some minor complications which Dr. Petrovski diagnosed as Placenta Previa. She told me to schedule a Level II ultrasound with the High Risk doctor, Dr. Albert. She said that this usually corrects itself but that we will need to monitor it to assure there will be no complications during delivery.

Big News

We're pregnant! It was the Saturday before spring break, we were both outside doing some work in the yard. In the middle of planting flowers, nature called. When I got in the bathroom, I randomly decided to take a pregnancy test. I almost didn't believe it when it came back positive! I immediately ran outside and told Darin he had to come in to see the stick for himself! This was a little project we had been working on, so we were both very excited. I just thought for sure that I would be one of the lucky ones that was sick from the moment I found out.

I was able to get an appointment the following Wednesday. Dr. Petrovski confirmed that indeed I was about 5 weeks along. Four weeks later we had our first ultrasound and saw the little peanut had made it's little home in my womb. Our due date is November 21st, just in time for Thanksgiving. We sent all of our parents flowers with poems on the card to make the announcement. It was a very fun day! Although 9 weeks into a pregnancy is very early, it seems like an eternity when you're keeping such a big secret!

About Me

Wife to Darin and Mommy to Lincoln. I am a stay at home mom and I am so thankful. Everyday is a new adventure-live it to the fullest!