Thursday, August 20, 2009

Home At Last

After going and going and going...we are finally staying home for a few weekends in August. We had a great time in Sweden. I really liked being with Alice, but I didn't quite understand that grabbing her in the face isn't really a good way to make a friend. While we were in Sweden we did lots of great things; walked around Old Town Stockholm, which is all cobblestone streets so that made my stroller ride really fun; took a short boat ride on Uncle David's boat and a little longer ride on a ferry boat to the island of Sand Hahm. We also went out to the country and spent the night at the Summer cottage, which Anna's dad built over 30 years ago.

When we returned from Sweden, mommy started taking me to do all kinds of different activities. We've been doing story time at the library, mommy and me gymnastics and I think we are going to try a new music class. Summer has been super fun, but I am ready for some cooler weather around here!

About Me

Wife to Darin and Mommy to Lincoln. I am a stay at home mom and I am so thankful. Everyday is a new adventure-live it to the fullest!