Wednesday, December 31, 2008


December was a wild and crazy month for Mom and I. It started out with a nice Diaper shower hosted by my Aunt Amanda, and mom's two friends Robin and April. I got LOTS of diapers and some other cool things too. I'm really lucky to have so many people that love me!
Mom had to go back to work and give her two weeks notice at Frisco ISD. While she worked, I got to stay with Alisha all day. Mom was really glad to have Alisha there to watch after me while she worked...THANKS Ms. Alisha. I love you!
After our two weeks in Texas, we came home and celebrated Christmas like 15 times! That Santa guy is a pretty cool dude. We spent Christmas Eve at Nano Jo's house, Christmas Day at Papa Mitch's house and then went to Kansas for a week to celebrate with all my aunt's, uncle's and cousins on the Moden and Oakleaf side. Mommy's having a hard time finding a place to put all my presents in my room.
I turned two months old on December 26th but I don't go for my two month checkup for another week or so. I'll bet that I've moved out of the 5th percentile on height.....

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Lincoln at One Month

Lincoln had his one month doctor visit on November 25th. He weighed 8.03 pounds and was 20 1/2 inches long. He's in the 5th percentile for height, but we expect that he will jump up to the 90th percentile before too long. We can definitely see him changing. He's finally outgrowing some of his preemie clothes. Dr. Daley said that his heart murmur was nothing to worry about and didn't recommend seeing a cardiologist. This of course made Darin and I very happy! We will be back to visit Dr. Daley in January for the two month check up.

We had Thanksgiving dinner in our new home with my family. On Friday we went to Kansas to be with Darin's grandmother and all the extended family. During the 8 hour get together on Saturday, Lincoln was held the entire time! He is very loved!

Christmas is just around the to go decorate!

About Me

Wife to Darin and Mommy to Lincoln. I am a stay at home mom and I am so thankful. Everyday is a new adventure-live it to the fullest!