Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Lincoln!

Dear Lincoln-
Having you as a part of our life for the past year has been nothing but FUN, FUN, FUN! You make us smile and laugh everyday. I had so much fun planning your first birthday party. It was a huge blowout! There were nearly 50 people that came to help you celebrate. It was a very special day! Thanks for being such as sweet little boy. We love you!

We Love October...

October was very busy and very exciting! I had my first haircut (some might say it was long overdue). We went to visit the Pumpkin Patch in Tahlequah with my cousins Riley and Ty and Nana and I picked out a pumpkin that was just my size. And, we went to the OSU homecoming festivities. But the most exciting thing about BIRTHDAY!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Camping over Labor Day

In September, we met up with the Fredrickson's once again for some camping over Labor Day Weekend. We had lots of fun visiting the Children's Science Museum and strolling along the Riverwalk in OKC. Mom and Dad took off to the first football game of the season and I stayed back with Bailey and Alexis and took a little trip to the zoo.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Home At Last

After going and going and going...we are finally staying home for a few weekends in August. We had a great time in Sweden. I really liked being with Alice, but I didn't quite understand that grabbing her in the face isn't really a good way to make a friend. While we were in Sweden we did lots of great things; walked around Old Town Stockholm, which is all cobblestone streets so that made my stroller ride really fun; took a short boat ride on Uncle David's boat and a little longer ride on a ferry boat to the island of Sand Hahm. We also went out to the country and spent the night at the Summer cottage, which Anna's dad built over 30 years ago.

When we returned from Sweden, mommy started taking me to do all kinds of different activities. We've been doing story time at the library, mommy and me gymnastics and I think we are going to try a new music class. Summer has been super fun, but I am ready for some cooler weather around here!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

We went to Clay Center, Kansas for a family reunion on the Moden's side over the 4th of July. It's always fun when the whole family gets together, there are kids everywhere, great food and lots of games being played.

Mommy and I also took a little trip to Tyler, Texas to visit our friends, The Williams. It was my first plane ride and mommy says I did really well-good thing since I'm going to be making an overseas flight at the end of this month. We are flying to Sweden to visit Uncle David, Aunt Anna and Cousin Alice. We are all really excited about our visit to Sweden.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Destin Bound

We went to Destin, Florida for a week during the first part of June. It was AWESOME! We took two days driving there, meeting up with the rest of our group in Lucedale, Mississippi. There were 6 families and 21 people in our group: Moden's, Kowis's, King's, Rhode's, Long's and Rhode's again.

I really liked the beach. I kept trying to eat the sand...everyday...and ya know, it never started tasting any better. Mr. Art brought a huge tent that we could all sit under together. That made it really nice for the little guys like me-I could be outside with everyone and not worry about getting a terrible sunburn. We drove the whole way back in one day, 16 hours of driving. We finally got home Sunday morning about 1am.

The next weekend we went to Dallas so mommy and daddy could go to a wedding. We stayed with the Fredrickson's again, which is always fun.

On the following weekend, we went to Kansas City to hang out with the Hayes/Oakleaf family. Jason entered a BBQ competition and daddy felt like it was his "duty" to go be supportive. It was REALLY hot, but we had a great time. Can't wait to go back next year....with a cooler for all that meat that they threw away this year.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Welcome Summer!

In May, we went to Lake of the Ozarks to be with some of the Oakleaf side of the family; Jason, Kelly, Harrison and Carter, Kevin and Parker and Uncle Terry. We had a great time taking boat rides, which you can see put me right to sleep, sitting out on the dock and shopping at the outlet mall.

I also helped Mommy celebrate her 30th birthday! It was really fun that Cody, Alisha, Bailey and Alexis all came to help her celebrate. While they were here, we went to the neighborhood splash pad and spent a couple of hours playing in the water.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spring Break-Part II

On our second Spring Break we went camping (courtesy of my Far Mor and Far Far's fifth wheel...that's my grandma and grandpa for all you non Swedish speakers). We met up with Cody, Alisha, Bailey and Alexis at Robber's Cave State Park in Southeast Oklahoma. I really like camping. We got to go hiking, build a campfire and roast marshmallows and hotdogs. There was so much to see on our hikes, it was exhausting. As hard as I tried, I just couldn't keep my eyes open to see everything.

Bailey and Alexis really liked cooking marshmallows over the campfire. Mom wouldn't let me try any of them so I don't know what all the fuss was about. Maybe next year I'll get to experience the wonderful taste of burnt sugar!

It was a little bit chilly, but I still liked being outside and sitting around the campfire. I'm looking forward to the next camping trip.

Spring Break-Part I

We got to do spring break twice this year. Our first spring break we spent with Pack, Vivi, Mary Lauren and their mommy, Rebekah. They came to visit us from Texas. We spent one day touring the Tsa-La-Gi village (well, sort of) and Murrell Home in Tahlequah and the next day we spent at the Oklahoma Aquarium. We really had lots of fun. We saw fish, sharks, sting rays and turtles. Pack and Vivi got to touch the sting rays while Mary Lauren and I played it safe in our strollers.

Mary Lauren is not the greatest car rider...her mommy said she cried the whole way to and from Texas. But her mommy is a trooper, so hopefully she'll come back and visit us again sometime. Thanks for coming guys, we love you!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

February 2009

Wow! February came and went really fast! Let's see what did I do this Far Mor and Far Far(that's my dad's parents) were in Hawaii for nearly the entire month so we got to keep Tiger, their dog. I really liked to watch him and he seemed to like me too. My cousins Riley and Ty came to play a few times, one day we all went to the park but mom's camera died so she didn't get to take any pictures while we were there. I pretty much slept the whole time we were there anyway. But Riley and Ty REALLY had fun. We had a Valentine's dinner with My Aunt Amanda, Uncle Jason and Nana and Papa Mitch. My Nana got me this really big stuffed bear for Valentine's's bigger than me!

Mom saysMarch is going to be a fun and exciting month. Some friends from Texas are coming to visit and we are going camping too. I can't wait for Spring and the warmer weather to get here...I'm ready to start playing outside.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm Three Months Old!

I turned 3 months old yesterday! I've grown a whole lot since the day I was born. At my last check up (my two month checkup) I was 14 pounds and 23 inches long! That put me in the 97th percentile on height! Mom must have thought 3 months was a big deal because she took lots of pictures!! Here are some of the good ones.

About Me

Wife to Darin and Mommy to Lincoln. I am a stay at home mom and I am so thankful. Everyday is a new adventure-live it to the fullest!